I'm a little short on blogging this week. It's been hectic. I finished up on Wednesday at Bluff Creek - went into Uber on Thursday for training. Went very well. I had Friday off, so I took advantage of that day and worked around the house.
Friday evening I went to Nicole's and gave her a sewing lesson and we actually made Ellie a cute jumper in just a few hours. The woman at the fabric store told her she didn't need facing ribbon, so we had to make facings out of left over fabric. She also didn't give her enough fabric so she had to go back and get more. It was corduroy so we had to deal with the Nap. Anyway, I haven't sewn for years but it all came back to me. Awful Butterick pattern, however.
Sat. I worked again at Uber Baby and had a very bad tummy all day. (thank heaven for immodium) Made it through and then I was onto Dunn Bros. to teach a knitting class. Had a great time. Wonderful woman. We got her going on the thrummed mittens.
Sunday I picked up Ellie for the morning. Josh had gone to Grams for the day so I got Miss Ellie. We had a great time, filled her with hot chocolate, marshmallows, out to lunch for cheeseburgers, fries and an Ice cream sunday at Culvers. You think it was too much SUGAR???? She was a trooper, took it all in. Hopefully, she napped, I did.
Dan came home Saturday night for Pizza - had a great visit. I finished knitting the 12.5
inches of my sweater and now I can start the ribbing. I also started a sock out of Tofutsies. I just ordered in 50 different colors and couldn't wait to knit with it. It's great to work with. Look out Bungee group you are going to want some of this.
Sunday evening Uber Baby staff met at a restaurant in Edina for a little food and drink. It was very nice and I came home and watched my favorite show, desperate housewives. ( I admit it , I'm hooked.) and fell into bed.
Monday I worked at Uber for a couple hours training, M's last day. One staff already had to quit so I'm hiring. Anybody interested, give me a call. I interviewed at another part time position today. I think it went well, will let you know on Monday.
Get out those Christmas gifts and get knittin.
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