
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay, you may want to skip this if you don't want to hear my opinion. I heard an interview with Hillary this morning and Diane Sawyer. Diane asked her what she thought of the hub-bub about Palin as a VP pick, and does she think Obama should have picked her (because she was woman). ? Hillary responded that she would hope voters were looking at the more serious issues of this campaign rather than the subject of a woman running or not and support the campaign that has a woman just because she is a woman. I agree! There is a surge of supporters calling them "soccer moms for Palen." and I sure hope these women are looking at what is at stake. Enough from me.

I am workin' away on my sweater - it so easy and going so well - it's scarey.

I planted, or I should say "B" planted the lilacs the other night. We decided I needed three more and more black dirt. He gave me grief for back filling the hole with wood chips from the old stumps. So we'll see if it makes a difference in the spring. I say they will grow just fine.

Tonight I'm going to work on the shop in Carver and get it ready for the sale tomorrow. I have more books and patterns to bring and I found some samples.

I've been interviewing for a couple positions this week. I sure hope they work out. This job ends in October. Wish me luck.

A friend of mine has a new granddaughter and she was born at 28 weeks. Please send some prayers for the baby and parents and grandparents. (Mariana is the babies name).

Finished the fleece lined mitten sample - now I have to get bags and make kits.

Have a great day!


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