A Fish story
Joshua wanted a goldfish like his friend Jake. He told his mom, "Jake has a goldfish in his bedroom." "Can I have a goldfish?" Mom said, "NO". " Jake is four years olds, and maybe when you are four you can get one." This child is the ultimate negotiator and does not give up easily.
"Well, let's call Nanna, she'll buy me a fish". Mom, said "No". "Maybe we can go fish in the pond after dinner and catch a fish and you could play with that one. " Well, that would be Okay. They caught a sunny in the pond and brought it into the house but Mom was not excited about this fish.
I called about 6:30 PM to see if the children were going to be up for a while. I was tired of packing and thought I would come see them for a little bit. Peter answered and said, "Nicole and the two children are at the pet store buying goldfish right now but should be back soon."
I laughed because Nicole had said earlier, "No way", we agreed he was too young, etc.
By the time I got there they had gotten back with the fish. One orange and one black/white and an orange tail. The orange one was Josh's and he named it Nimo and Ellie's was the black/white one and she named it, COW. How appropriate. Well, we got them in the bowl and placed in the upstairs bathroom.
The next morning I called to see how everyone was doing and was told that COW had died. Josh said, "yes, he wasn't swimming." "He died, I fed him too much food." I could harldy stand the guilt he felt for this innocent act of feeding it too much food so I immediately tried to smooth it over by saying "Oh, I don't think that was it, that's just what happens to goldfish sometimes." "They don't live a long time." He was fine, I was the one that felt bad.
As far as I know Nimo is still swimming.