
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A little more weight

My friend "B" and I go out for coffee about three times a week. We buy a starbucks coffee with a yogurt parfait. I usually get the vanilla, low fat latte and he gets the gooist of coffees - the carmel machiato or something because he doesn't really like coffee. Well, the consequence of this decadent morning ritual is that we have both gained weight. I won't say how much but most of my pants are "snug".

Therefore, we're cutting back and adding more exercise (at least for me). I also took the dog for a walk tonight (lovely evening) and while I was out I noticed the neighbor behind me had their house on the market. One sold down the block a few weeks ago and it was a much lower price than I'd have thought it would sell for.

I had someone call to see mine last week (a realtor checking for her clients). I said, sure, why not! Well, they liked it but I didn't have a master bathtub. I'm concerned about the prices right now. Not sure I can sell if I have to pay a realtor 25,000.

I would like to sell this summer because Dan will be off to school and it will be just me and the dogs at home. We don't need 3000 square feet to run around in. I want small, efficient and preferably lawn service. Is that asking too much??? Oh, I only want to spend $200,000 on a new house!


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