
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Knitting for the Holidays

I did it again. Every year in November I get inspired to knit something for everyone I know. I don't know why I don't get this inspiration sooner in the summer time. (when I could actually get it all done). I have made a resolution: This year I will write down or put a pattern in a folder with the persons name on it. Then I will work on getting these done during the year. Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, I'm going to try. If you have any other great ideas for this problem please let me know.

Currently I have half a mitten left for my daughter, one wrist mitten or cuff done (one more cuff and a hat to finish) for second daughter, a sweater for my son (plus he now wants a hat for broom hockey), a half a sock for Joshua and Ellie, A hat and collar for my sister and a Christmas stocking for Lucy which is more than half done. Yikes!

Then we go to the sewing projects. I have two felt bags to sew for the grandchildren (church bags) hand puppets for both of them. I also have three felted jackets to finish, a couple of felted bags to embellish for the shop Botique and on and on.....I just hope I don't get inspired to do anything else.

Today is put up and decorate the tree. Today is also 42 years since my mother died on this day of a brain aneurysm. I still miss her like yesterday. I was 18 and my sister was 14. My mother loved Christmas and always was crafting before Christmas. Maybe some of you remember making the styrofoam balls decorated with sequins and beads stuck in the styrofoam balls with pins. It really hurt your fingers but were really lovely. She also would decorate the outside of boxes to look like a shirt or a blouse using the wrapping paper. We would bake cookies and pies and have our whole family over for the holidays. We were packed in our tiny basement --we loved it. One of my uncles would dress up as Santa Clause and pass out the presents. It was crazy! We all went to bed tired buy happy!

My mother also got into the flocked trees. We had white and pink ones. Bachman's was her favorite. I think we also had one of those white trees (some kind of plastic for the branches) you put a spot light on it and it changed colors. Some years everything was all white or all pink or alkl gold. It changed each year. She would make her own ornaments and arrangements. I still do the same thing at my house. It's usually a theme of some kind. I love flower arrangements and table settings. I don't bake as much anymore. I eat it if it's there. But I do bake some and give it away.

I heard Wynona sing "Oh Holy Night" on TV last week. It was incredible. She has such a great passionate voice. It was mesmerizing. I think she has new Christmas Album out this year. What are your favorite albums? I have a great one for sale in the shop that is all instrumental called Clarity for Joel Setterholm and Lowell Michelson. It's great!

Have a great week knitting and crafting.


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