
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heat Wave

It has been hot! In Minnesota that's a big deal. 95 and above is quite uncomfortable for most of us. It also gives us something to talk about. "Staying cool?", "Is is hot enough for ya?", "We could really use some rain", etc. You get the point.

If you are a true knitter you knit wool when it's 100 degrees; it's a task but we're up to it. Several people stop in the shop on their way up to the lake to get a project to work on. We also have many travelers coming through from Iowa, Indiana, Ontario, Nebraska and that's just this week.
I love it - I usually learn something new from all of them.

One of my favorite customers stopped in yesterday. Her name is Ivie. She is a fairly new knitter but is doing very well. She also is a jewelry artist and we have several of her pieces in the Petit Boutique. They are very lovely and unique. She paid me such a nice complement. Made my day. She said, as a new knitter I was very helpful to her and was very understanding. She felt comfortable coming into the shop as a first timer.

The week has been pretty slow at the shop as usual for this time of year. Our classes are going well. Matt just finished his spinning class and Shelley starts her sock class tomorrow night. I have doctors appts. in the afternoon so I won't be back for class.

I had a rather long day today and came home to meet B, I arrived first and went to go in the garage door and it was locked as were all the other doors and windows except for my bedroom window. I called Dan to see why the doors were locked and he thought there must be a burglar in the house. I doubted it because the dogs were in there barking like crazy. B showed up and we got a ladder from the neighbor and he climbed up the ladder ,(such gentleman) pried open the screen with his bare hands and climbed into my bedroom (I was hoping it wasn't too messy) and opened the door for me. What a guy!

We proceeded to have ice water and went out back to water the new trees . B planted 16 arbavitae trees a couple weeks ago. He was getting a little bored watering the trees so he decided to cut the brances off my little crab apple tree. It looks great!

This past week I finished spinning some roving I got at Shepherds Harvest in the spring. It's gorgeous. I even got it plied, washed and dried. I also plied another skein that had been on spools for awhile.

I finished the baby blanket that I was making. (for the Wampler's new baby girl) She was born right after the 4th of July. It's out of cotton chenille from Henry's attic and Chris had dyed it in pinks, purples and white. It turned out real cute - just a simple square, and knit all the way. It does shed a little so I hope that's not a problem for the baby.

I'm now working on the shawl and Ellies pink sweater out of Cashmere. I'll keep you posted.

We are going to start a sock of the month club in the Fall. I think it will really be fun. Pick some unusual patterns and yarn. I also would like to have a knit night at a pub - drink and knit. I saw this on a blog I was on this week. This group in Ontario goes to a pub called the "Spotted Dick" which in England is a lovely dessert (the spotted dick) So this pub is named after the dessert and this group meets there and drinks beer and knits. They usually knit something they don't have to use a pattern for or concentrate on to hard.

Happy knitting.

Happy knitting


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