
Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's cold outside

Can you believe it, June 11th and it's 57 degrees in the morning. I thought I would never get outside today cuz it was raining and cold. I started sewing my curtains and finished them. Went to the grocery store and nearly froze to death with a jacket on. In Minnesota, once you have turned the air conditioning on, it stays on. We do not turn the heat on again until October or November. Therefore, you dress to go to the grocery store. All the little girls in their Sunday dresses were hugging themselves and begging to leave.

I decided to live dangerously and bought some swordfish and tuna and will try my hand at Sushi.
I made two trips to the store for supplies. We'll have it for dinner tomorrow.

I did a little spinning on my lendrum today, just to get the feel of it. I love it but it will take a little getting used to as I have mostly used to my Ashford Traveler.

Made the Sushi tonight - it was very easy and very good. Try it, you'll like it!

My son is done with school this week, it was our first morning to sleep in and I did. It's Monday. I finished some work around the house, laundry, clearning, etc., hurried to the grocery and liquor store for Saki, shredded cheese and a bamboo matt to roll my california rolls in. The Sushi guy did not speak english and could not figure out what I was asking him. Finally he handed me a brochure on suschi and I left.

Stopped at the bank and then drove to Edina and met a friend for lunch. We came back to the shop to admire the boutique. It's getting quite nice. I was busy at work so got very little time to knit. I need to find a new pattern for a bulky yarn from Cascade. It knits 2 sts/inch on a size 17 but 4 sts/ inch on a size 11. I want something like a sweatshirt style to just pull on when I'm on the run, preferably a hood. I'm thinking the Wallaby might work.

I finished the second hedgehog. He turned out very cute. I'll get a photo up here soon. Have a great day


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