
Monday, July 07, 2008

It's raining, a little

My friend Kathy wants me to make her granddaughter one of these sheepy felted sweaters. I have started crafting again. I'm working on Ellie's pink dress - over half done. I dug out two unfinished sweaters I started for her last Fall. They were going to be large sizes so I didn't hurry to finish them, but they are out of Karabella merino which I have been itching to get back to after knitting on this cotton for so long, so I will finish them now for this Fall.

I'm also making library bags for Ellie and Josh. One will be a Nemo theme and one a Princess theme. I'll show photos as I construct them. I made their mother one when she was very little and it has lasted 30 years. Either we didn't continue going to the library that much or she gave up using it at some point, because it's practically like new. Other thought would be that they lasted so long because of the great fabric I chose and the great workmanship, who knows?? At any rate these two wee ones want their own.

I baby sat Sun night over night with the three of the grandchildren so their parents could have an anniversary weekend. We had a great time but Logan is on the move so it was a little busier for Nanna. At one point, I lost track of him, he's so fast, and I asked out loud, " where's Logan?" and Josh shouted, "Oh, no, he's in the toilet". Panic, well he wasn't in it, he was getting positioned for it. Logan went to bed at 6:30, the other two at 7:30 pm, then Ellie's back up again to go "Poopy" and Josh to go "pee". Then back to bed, then Ellie's up again about 8:00 Pm to go "poopy" AGAIN!. She really does go, so I have to allow it.

Back to bed again. About 8:30 PM, Ellie again, needs her water filled up. Finally collapse on the couch and fall asleep. Wake up at 9:30 - decide to go up to bed. Fell asleep until 12:30 Pm, Logan up for a bottle (he's teething). Back to bed, cat on the bed, on my legs, kick her off, back to sleep until 2:30, Logan up again, change diaper, give another 4 oz. of bottle. Back to bed until 6 PM when Josh is up for the Day. I'm tired just typing this, needless to say, I came home at noon and fell asleep reading my realestate at 2:00pm. Hope I sleep tonight.

My sister called to say she was back from New Mexico. She had driven to her property last week and on the way she stopped for gas. Left the truck running and ran into gas station, it was raining, thunder and lightening, ran back to truck and found the dogs had locked her out of the truck. Two men and 2 1/2 hours later she got the truck unlocked and was on her way. Got home about 10 PM, picked up a pizza on the way for a later dinner, jumped out of the truck to open the gate to her property and guess what??? Yep, they at the pizza. Hungry to bed, bad karma.

Yea, it's a nice soaking rain outside right now. Hope it keeps up all night long.


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