The Debates
Did you watch the debates last night - Obama/Hillary. My friend and I did. I was astonished by her comment at the end - something about "she new stressful and difficult situations, as you all know....." then went on to say how that is nothing compared to what americans are dealing with these days. Hurray for her insight. (sarcasm). However, my friend and I were blown away by the comment "difficult situations or stressful situations, whatever words she used to allude to Bill's behavior and all the other shenanigans those two were involved in. Now, I am not a prude, really, but I felt that was out of line for her to bring that situation up again at this time. I felt it discredited her and was a cheap shot. People are very concerned about the two of them being in the white house again and then she made that connection again. Wow!
On the other hand, Obama I am very intrigued with. He is very articulate, genuine, respectful, brilliant and from all I can see would be a great leader. This next year should be very interesting.
I am currently ready a book called "The Senator's Wife". It addresses the Washington scene and politics on a personal level. It's a novel so who knows but it is interesting what people in that position allow and think is normal. It probably is their "Normal".
Did anyone see Don Shelby and Amelia the other night when they showed a photo of a bare breasted woman embellished with beads. Right after the clip, Don says, "those were really big beads on that woman!" I about fell off the couch. Amelia gave him a look and said, "I'm not touching that". I thought it was very humorous but was amazed he did that on live news.