
Thursday, October 04, 2007

vegetable garden

Joshua called today to say, "Nanna I picked tomatoes and carrots from the garden." "Four tomatoes!" This from a garden no one tended all summer except the sprinkler system. It's amazing they got anything from this garden. He was so proud of his produce. The carrots were about the size of your pinky but at least he got to see where they came from other than the super market.

I went to the Farmer's market this morning and bought tomatoes, green beans, and potatoes. There were very few vendors this morning. Lots of great looking squash and pumpkins. I bought some mums a couple weeks ago and they are finally blooming this week. The same guy was at the market today - he had lots of mum plants left.

One of my favorite rug weavers is having an open house Tonight - I couldn't make it - she has a website - Melanie is located in the Showroom at Northrup King Building. She has incredible rugs.

Have you heard about "Webkinz"? They are stuffed animals with a computer chip. They come with a secret code and then your animal becomes an interactive virtual pet. The pet must be watered, exercised, taken to the vet, etc. On the virtual world the user learns about different topics, reading, spelling, responsibility, games and activities. It's quite clever - you can check it out at

I think I'm winning the war against the bugs! I keep my vacuum handy and that seems to take care of the problem.

Working on Ellie's Blue sweater for Thanksgiving. It's Karabella Aurora 8 using a Debbie Bliss pattern from "Special Knits". I'm using the pattern called "beaded cardigan". I'm not beading it however. It's got a nice pattern that works well with the Karabella yarn. I forgot the baby blanket at the shop tonight. I'll get some photos up this week.

Happy Knitting


At 8:51 PM , Blogger Lorraine said...

My two youngest just got "my e pets", which sound very similar. These kids are going to be more computer savvy than I am in a few months.

Can't wait to see some photos of the WIP's.


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