
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

boxelder bugs

I have an abundance of boxelder (sp?) bugs on the house outside and crawling somehow into the house. They make me feel itchy. I vacuum them every night but more keep showing up. I hope it freezes soon.

I now have a new garage door and opener - this will be great during the winter. It's a bit of a tight squeeze getting my car into that small garage. I cleaned the garage on Sunday so I could get my car in. If I drive straight in, I'm good.

My windows are being repaired as well as the front door. I guess the boiler is in but I haven't got a date scheduled. Things are getting done but very slowly. At least I'll get my windows washed this fall. I also picked up a dehumidifier this week. After all the rain the basement smelled damp. I also got my washer and dryer hooked up so I feel alot better now.

I have had some time to knit. I'm now on the sleeves for Ellie's sweater and swatched her new blue sweater. Logan's blanket is finally coming along. I kept forgetting a yarn over and so it would look lopsided. I'm nearly done with the vest for me that I work on at the shop.

Monday I got my hair dyed. It had been a kind of brassy red and I couldn't get it blonde again. I tried a new salon in Chaska and finally got BLONDE! I'm planning on highlighting it when it grows out a little longer. I guess I have alot of red in my hair from what everyone tells me.

Had a great weekend with Ellie, Logan and Nicole. Peter and Josh went up to the lake so Ellie was feeling a little lonely. Saturday night they came over to play at the "Pink Park" and then we went to have ice cream in Chaska. Great ice cream parlor next to the liquor store. Then we came to my house and got her jammies on. She loves coming to my house. She really misses Josh when he's gone. They are so close. We shopped the Eden Prairie Mall and the Burnsville Mall. Ellie is a great shopper. Logan just eats and sleeps, oblivious to this shopping experience.

The shop is going well. We still have a fair amount of yarn, especially weaving cones, needles, books and buttons. Customers are being very generous. I am very grateful to them.

Gotta go knit!


At 3:31 PM , Blogger Lorraine said...

The box elders are hideous around here, too. Our home faces south and you can't see the real color of the siding on the bad days. Uggggh! I am so ready for a hard frost, even if it does mean turning the furnace on.


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