A New Week
Well, the computer finally got the best of me and I had to take it in to Techs2go on Lyndale. Fixed it right up. The screen had become a negative--so I couldn't see what I was doing. It was black and white. They were able to get it up and running and cleaned up for me. The only problem left is a window that keeps popping up saying my printer cannot be installed. The printer is working but this window will not be banished. We tried one whole afternoon to try and get it out of there but it is still popping up. Meanwhile I lost a spread sheet I was working on and was almost finished with, oh well.
I also managed to get some dye work going this week. I
died some shetland fleece I had from before Christmas. Came out very nice. The dark purple sold yesterday. Back to the dye pot. I died some roving also but don't have photos yet. This is really addicting.
It has been a busy week of wrapping up 2006 and beginning 2007 paperwork wise. I shifted all my paper files and filed all the other stuff lying around. Boy this gets out of hand for me at the shop and at home. My staff tolerates my mess very well.
Today is Spinning and Knitting in the shop. I will also be open to the public this third sunday of the month.
Nancy had her Bungee class yesterday. We had about 8 women and it was little crowded because we had Mighty Wolf loom in the room with us for awhile. The family finally came to pick up their loom and luckily it fit in their van. It was good to see everyone back after the holiday and we had two new people join us.
N and I went to see the new Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett and Bill Nighy, movie last night and the name escapes me. Something like "secret papers". I'm so bad at names in general. I try, but it takes a few times before it gets registered. At any rate it was quite an interesting movie. It was about a young teacher (Cate's character,new at this school) and she falls "in Love" with one of her students (mostly lust), he's 15 and she's 30 something, (she is married to an older man, Bill, and they have a daughter (also 15)and a son. We've all heard these stories in the news and wondered how this could happen. Judi (Barbara) has the role of the unmarried old maid (so we think). She has a motive for helping this young woman out, but I will not divulge anymore at this point. It was an interesting, and tragic story of human frailities. If you like Judi, you will like her in this movie, she's wicked. She is quite the actress. I brought Dan's sweater to knit on during the movie and did real well until the lights were on and then my ball of yarn took off rolling down the slanted floor, dontcha know, and I had to crawl around and retrieve. Everyone around me was very gracious and even tried to help. They were men so they thought they were helping a woman in distress, I guess.
Tonight is Knit night at home with Desperate Housewives and the new sitcom after it with Sally Fields. I love Sally Fields and this sitcom is just about a crazy family.(momentarily forgot the name) I also watch Greys and Men in Trees. I get alot of knitting in watching these four alone.
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