
Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Bound bunny tail

We had a great week at CF - many customers stopped in to visit from out of town and several of my wonderful regular customers stopped by on Friday. Matt was in on Monday to Sit and Knit with me. He was working on a baby dress for a new neice and I was working on my vest sample. We both made some headway on our projects.

Wednesday my friend KL and her new baby girl came to visit Grandma. I get to be grandma for her babies too. Lucy and Georgia. Adorable. My old friend, Leslie, joined us and we had a great lunch (at Kwans) catching up on our busy lives. We all used to work together at TLC several years ago now.

I left early to spend time with the other two grandchildren. I brought some pipe cleaners along to their house and Gram and I (the two grandmas) played games, had dinner, did the bath and made several pipe cleaner cheerio bracelets. Josh would get so far and then he'd chew them off, so it took several tries to get a completed bracelet for Mom and Dad who were arriving home the next day.

I have finished one of the pumpkin hats shown on Ellie who is just walking. Josh was not as cooperative but he loved the hat! Whenever Ellie decides to try walking he cheers her on by saying, "Good walking, Ell" and then he claps his hands. He's so cute.

Thursday morning I had a fasting blood test, those are so much fun. They took about a pint of blood and I was finally able to get coffee. I also had a dexa scan for osteoperosis. Got to the shop late but I don't think anybody noticed except the mailman.

Friday, alot of my wonderful customers stopped in. Julie stopped by to knit on her lovely sweater, a yarn from Jaeger, which I cannot remember the name of and the pattern from their book. I'm going to try to introduce some of their yarns and patterns. I love their patterns but had not touched their yarns before.

I LEARNED HOW TO KNIT SOCKS ON CIRCULARS. I was knitting away and Julie said she always knits on two circulars. She's in the "Sock of the Month class" that just started this week. Great group of women in the class. Anyway, she showed me how to knit on two circulars and I love it. It's much faster and not as difficult to knit as it is with all those needles. It's easy-I'll be happy to show you if stop in on Monday or Friday. Shirley also stopped in, which she does every week. She's just learning to knit socks so she can join the sock of the month class. Ginny stopped to pick up her order of Louet linen. She makes lovely garments. Our other Julie stopped by - she's working on a two color mitten and cotton shorts for her daughter. She's a brave woman. I think I'm forgetting someone so I apologize if I left you off. It was a very stimulating day.

I took some photos of the tear down of Connors to make room for the new restaurant, Bistro, going in this winter! We are so excited. We can have coffee or beer and wine and knit!

Saturday was Bungee Knitting day. It is always exciting and crazy around here with this group. They are all working on a different project and nearly all done with their sweaters. J finished her hooded pullover but I wasn't able to get a photo yet. I'll try to get each one to model their finished project. It's very impressive. Julie has only been knitting for a year and she took on this lace cardigan. It's goregeous. This is a great class if you want to start a new technique or project you've never done before. Nancy walks you through the whole project and you learn all sorts of new techniques as you go because everyone is working on something different. Nancy stops the class and teachers the new technique to everyone. It's genius, if I do say so myself. Don't be initimated by your knitting, it's only two needles and string.

As class was finishing up Nancy and I were putting finishing touches on her new samples, a fish and a bunny. This is where the Bound Bunny tail comes in. A new customer had stopped in to look for a particular yarn to finish a scarf - Amazing Threads had sent her my way. Nancy had bound the bunny as she was needle felting it's nose in place and telling me I should bind him and then wet him down real good and when he dries he'll stay in this position. Our new customer thought this was quite funny that she came looking for yarn and found this "bound bunny" stuff going on! I said, "kinda kinky, huh?" I sure hope she comes back.

I sold a Schacht loom on Saturday to one of my new customers. We are planning a four harness class in October for three customers so far. If you are interested call the shop.

Curious? When you are knitting do you use plastic markers? or for holding stitches do you use metal or plastic holders? I never have, I admit it. For a marker, I use a different color thread, tied around the needle and keep slipping it as I go. I never loose these markers. I also like to use a piece of yarn to hold stitches because I can never find my stitch holders when I need them and I don't like running into that metal piece all the time. Just an option if you feel like I do.

One little bummer, the sweater I made for my sister is too large. I guess we measured something wrong. It's too big around.

Happy Knitting!


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